Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dec. 15

Remember me?
I know, I've fallen behind of blogging.
If it's any consolation, I've fallen behind on nearly everything else too.
Right now, I'm trying for the fourth time to get the unedited clips in no particular order onto a DVD to take Sunday for the footage party.
I have them in order. But in true Lindsey fashion, the program did something and won't let me hear the voices. When I produce the movie - there's still no voices. So I can't edit it at all.
I'll figure it out. It'll go on my list of other stuff I could have had finished already if they didn't have to be redone a billion times.
So right now it's the same old story. I'm trying to copy-edit "Across the Distance" (again) before formatting it for kindle (again) and learning the proper way to lay out a page. Swing is right behind that, ready for the final proof read and all the steps above. Then "The Captive" is waiting for a more extensive revamp, making sure all the story gaps are inserted and everything is tied up.
New projects include this book trailer for "Across the Distance," getting a chaotic house ready for Christmas company (where I get to move downstairs into the gutted interior of what the flood destroyed (yay, me!) and then after Christmas I'm going to Valerie's house. God's put Flames on hold for now but that still needs to be done. When I get back from Val's in February, I'm going to have to bite the bullet and find a "real" job. One with a paycheck.
So then I'll have even less time for this whole publishing thing. Quite honestly, I'm getting discouraged. I feel like I've been in a loop for the last year, doing the same thing over and over and over and over and not making any progress. I wonder what my productivity level would be like without the snags, computer crashes, malfunctioning software, and ignorance that just when you thought that book was formatted correctly, you discover there are three different types of dashes in a properly copy-edited book...

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