Monday, October 10, 2011

Oct. 10 - Persistance

This weekend I went to a ranch for our family reunion. It was so much fun and I felt content and relaxed in a way I haven't in a long time. Except for a headache and some dizzy spells, I had no complaints the entire weekend.
Today, however, I'm home and it was supposed to be a jump back into routine day. My routine's been faltering the last few days. I was struck by this excerpt from "Goals!" from Brian Tracy and remembered it last night and this morning:
"Your greatest successes almost invariably come one step beyond the point where everything inside of you says to quit. Men and women throughout history have been amazed to find that their great breakthroughs came about as a result of persisting in the face of all disappointment and all evidence to the contrary. This final act of persistence, which is often called the "persistence text," seems to preceded great achievements of all kinds."
I think I'm there. My computer screen is going out on my laptop - so even with the rebooting required to fix it, was hard. Ryan said last night it wouldn't work - so not only have I lost whatever I did not back up on the hard drive before it was wiped clean - but now there's no system at all on it, even if the screen does decide to stop flickering and shaking.
So we tried plan B: Downloading "InDesign" to Pop's computer which is the one I am using right now. I found it for &75.00's and was happy about that. But Ryan said last night, there wasn't enough space on the computer to run the program. So now I have a program waiting to be downloaded and no where to download it to. My bank is lower than it's been since I was a teenager and first beginning to teach lessons. My job at the theater school is going to be a lot of work for a little pay.
I don't know what to do now and everything hinges on getting those books done. I've been reading about sentence styling and editing and now I'm wondering when in the world you should let the manuscript go and declare it "good enough".
The dizziness has become a rather constant companion and I'm not sure what's going on with it. I want to get motivated and I want to start working but at this point, I'm not even sure where to start or what to do next. I suppose I could start editing "Swing" again but... quite honestly, I'm sick of rereading manuscripts.

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