Friday, October 28, 2011

Lions and Tigers and McBeth - Oh my!

Someone said "McBeth." I'm pretty sure of it.
Chance said it was because someone told him "Good Luck' instead of "break a leg" - but what happened tonight was beyond the "good luck" curse. It was undoubtedly a Hamlet night.
I should have seen it coming when my curlers came out - and my hair fell limply into stringy, weak spirals. By the time the show started, those were just about gone too. Auntie Em fell backstage when her knee gave out, banging her head on the way down. It was before the show, but it shook her up pretty badly and her knee was hurt.
One person was late because their driver didn't get them there, and tension rose between her and one in charge. I passed them, to find the witch rubbing her head, shaking out pills to fight a migraine. The audience (all thirty of them) were happily waiting in the rows for the show to start, oblivious to the chaos backstage.
But it didn't take long to creep onto the stage. The costume changes went much faster tonight on all sides. But the backdrop began to fall backstage. I caught it with James and Annette, only to find the curtain was falling as well. Even on the steps, I couldn't reach the curtain to put it back in place so I had to trade with James.
The show went on.
All went well until the Tinman scene where Dorothy dancing with a tree (don't ask) collided with another tree and the scarecrow. The basket caught between them, gave a great "crunch" and shattered. It practically exploded. The handle snapped. The sides gave way. Apples and my picture of Auntie Em - that's actually a house in the snow- scattered underfoot.
I got most of them snatched up though it messed up the choreography. Then I slipped the basket off-stage when I got near the curtain where it was retired - well, forever, I suppose.
Which meant I had no doggy treats.
Toto decided to jump off the stage in protest.
A singing line or two was forgotten or flubbed.
Costumes unraveled.
My ruby slippers caught the curtain three times, trying to trip me and tore a section of tooling off an unsuspecting munchkin's skirt.
Despite the choas and constant fear that someone was going to end up in the hospital before the end of the show, we got through it, all recovering quite nicely. The audience seemed to enjoy the show. Some children didn't want to leave.
One boy who read "The Secret of Sentarra" wanted to know when the sequel was coming out...
La la la.
November. November I'm editing "The Captive" while writing "The King" and probably formatting (again) "The Calling". That's a lot of Erilerre so I'm suplimenting by also tackling writing "Flames."
Anyone interested in helping me proofread "Swing" speak now!
*Cricket's chirp*
Well... it was worth a try. I'm nearly finished with yet another editing round. I think I'm going to have to let that one sit for November and do the proofing in December.
Who would believe it's November again?
In four days - I'll be going home.
To my real home.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'll proofread for ya!
    :)Sounds crazy. Wish I'd been there. Haha, you're going home to Sweeny? Or Polacious? Or...beyond this world? ;)
    Love you!
