Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 1 - Nano begins

Takasto Comel,
My name is Tehveor. Lindsey informs me you already know who I am – assuming you’ve read the first Secret of Sentarra. Because of something called Nanowrimo, Lindsey will not be writing her blog (I think it’s a journal but thus she calls it) this month. Instead she has driven a bargain. She’s writing my story – so I must write hers or assign another character to do so. It’s not entirely fair since she’s writing two books this month and so far has not started my story, but I’m keeping my end in good faith that she soon will. I fear I will not be as entertaining of a writer as she is, but I shall try.
Today is not a normal day for Lindsey. She woke late – her alarm was set for 5:00 before the sun is up, but she said she forgot to turn it off of silent mode from the show last night. Darshon wants to know if we can give the town crier a silent mode to. Anyhow, instead of waking at five, she woke at 7:15 when the light out the window informed her that it was too late to be at five. It’s just as well because the internet didn’t work anyway – she’s yet to get the nano site to go through and even her email is not working.
I must listen carefully to her random snatches of chatter because her world is rather new to me and I do not always understand what she is speaking of. But I have a good memory so I assume that you from her world, will understand what I can only relay.
She is going back to the home of Clara Castle – which is also her home today so the computers are packed and shut down. We loaded her car with boxes of books for the signing, various costumes for reenactments and filming, the sewing machiene and surger that she brought here and has not used and her bedding.
She laughed and said it looked like she was a hobo. I asked what that was and she said it was comparable to our gypsies. We don’t really have gypsies – they’re travelers but they don’t have an English word so we compromise and call them gypsies when I speak to Lindsey.
Her Grandfather took her car to prepare it for the journey and help her do some errands before she goes. He takes very good care of her.
Right now she has gathered her “odds and ends” for what she’ll need for the entire month. When her grandfather returns, we will load the rest of the car and spend hours on the roads, arriving at the house after dark. She doesn’t look forward to that but I am in hopes she’ll get settled in and begin to write my story. Tomorrow she shall have the entire day to dedicate to writing.
So she says anyhow. It’s hard to tell with Lindsey. Sometimes she works hard and steadily like Master Remarr. Other days she flits frantically from one to the other like Kael.
She is excited by the trip, I think. But also apprehensive. It should be interesting to watch her. She is nervous about all the travel involved in selling my book – I’m not sure why anyone would want to read my story, but she insists that people like to know about my life.
That makes me nervous and sometimes I don’t tell her what I’m thinking. Because of this – I think she’s going to open the first chapter from the viewpoint of my wife.
Yes, I have a wife now, though I’m not allowed to tell you who she is. I have not had her long. IN fact, it’s only been a few hours if we’re going by what she has written.
Can you wonder why I am anxious for her to start? I’d much rather be with my wife, enjoying our few hours of peace before like gets frantic again, than recording Lindsey’s day of packing. (Shh, don’t tell her that. It’s our secret.)
After today, I must work hard to find another character to record the events. If you have any suggestions, please do share. She has lots of charecters to choose from.
Yours faithfully,
Tehveor Castallion – Korvier of Erilerre, Prince of Sentarra, Husband of… well, never mind.

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