Monday, November 14, 2011

More on "Flames"

How can something feel so wrong when I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's right?
Writing "Flames" feels like such a betrayal to my Christian community. There are more controversial issues in this manuscript. It's brimming with the issues that are normally suppressed or frowned upon in the Christian books and literature.
It doesn't sugar-coat the Christian families. It's not the story about a wretched sinner who makes all the wrong decisions until he meets a Christian person who has it all together and points him to God where he says the sinner's prayer and his entire life is turned around to continue forever on the right path.
This is the story about a stressed out pastor, whose family is breaking under the strain from the church.
It's the story of a girl trying to understand the Christian standards of her new step-family - and why her father loves children so much when she knows that he tried to talk her mother into aborting her.
It's the story of a church who is more worried about the low neckline on a newcomer's dress than the state of her soul.
It's the story of a girl who appears to be a perfect Christian on the outside - but is terrified to tell her own Christian family about what she has done.
It's the story of a boy who pushes drugs right across the street from the church, who's told they're all hypocrites.
It's about a boy on fire for a God-given ministry but who can't find enough faith from people to help back him on the project.
It's about a preacher who vomits every night from stress-induced stomach ulcers.
It's about the lies and deceit and hatred that sprouts from between the church pews.
It's about the casual comment that fuels a destructive rumor. It's about the criticism that drives people away from the church, instead of showing them the truth in a way that would draw them.
It's about a church split.
It's about the truth that so many Christians are dealing with today. It's not until we can trust each other to be transparent about our issues that we can give them to God to work through. It's not until we can come to church with no pretenses or pretending that God can make us united.
It's not until we stop fighting over the proper way to live in the world, that we can reach the world.

It's the hardest thing I've ever written and I honestly wouldn't touch it if God hadn't shown me very clearly that he wants me to. I expect that some people will not believe that I've prayed every time I write that I will not write anything that's not from God. I fully expect to be "flamed" when it is presented to the world.

But God has spoken. For whatever reason, He has chosen me to write it.
So I will write it and let him work through the hearts that He means to touch it. Hopefully, if one person can stand and admit the truth, others will be able to follow. Perhaps - just perhaps, we can turn our approach to others and make the church a place of love and acceptance where Christ can be found.


  1. Yes! You know what, when we write, it doesn't have to be the perfect story where the ending is predictable. We don't live in a fairy-tale; we live in reality. Sometimes I NEED a book that will show reality because I need to see a way out or through whatever it is I'm struggling with.

    You can do it! I love you!
