Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3

The 3rd of November, in the second year of Obama.
Lindsey informs me that’s an odd way to record a date, but that is how I know to do it. In Erilerre, we would say it’s the winter of the first year of the reign of King Kael. Thus, I rarely date my letters.
Tehveor has passed off the recording of this nano-nonsense to me, though I don’t understand because so far she’s only written a tiny bit of Tehveor – nothing at all about me – and she’s obsesses with this book called “Flames.”
But I have nothing better to do until she remembers Eirlerre exists so I shall amuse you, dear reader, by letting you know what an odd creature Lindsey is. She started today huddled under the covers moaning about the cold – it was somewhere in the forties, I think – quite a high temperature for Erilerre. It was 5:00 in the morning, before it was light. Lindsey had intended to get up – but she did exactly what I would have done in the circumstances. She complained of a headache, accounted it to lack of sleep and fell back asleep until 9:00.
Then she spent 45 minutes trying to coax herself out of bed. Remarr would not approve. She wrote some of “Flames” with a few friends – I do wish they’d coax her into writing “The King”… we’ve been waiting so long but she’s talking about having orders from her king – who is not Obama though he rules her land – it’s quite confusing. But orders from a king are a good reason to put off a project I suppose. I still hope she’ll manage to do both.
When she grew tired of the cold, Lindsey loaded up the typing thing she has and decided to go sit in the sunshine at the bay. First though she wanted a hot chocolate so she headed down to the bookstore. There she talked with the bookstore owner and a man on the Palacios city council about books, bookstores, the need to fix up Palacios, people who littered from cars, the Alamo and all sorts of things that held little interest for me.
But she had felt like she should carry a book with her – then decided against it or talking to the owner about her boom. The owner found out she was an author and looked up her name but said Ingram was out of stock. Lindsey arranged to put three books there on consignment.
Then she tried to call the bookstore called Hastings back about some problem they were having ordering the books. (Anyone want to guess maybe it’s that Ingrim was out of stock?) but the woman wasn’t there. Then, dear readers, Lindsey called Val.
All my hopes that she would work on “The King” were dashed. Lindsey and Val have been talking a lot lately about what their God is doing and the exciting plans He has. Which is all well and good but they’re so excited about his plans that they can’t actually work on them.
Lindsey gave up on getting the stove to work and heated rice in the microwave Now it’s getting cold in the house again. I’m trying to nudge her toward writing.
She’s thinking about a hot bath.
Why? Tell me, why do we have THIS girl to record our country’s history?
Well, I’ve done my duty so I’m off to Eirlerre to see what amusement I can find there and what character I can blackmail into do this.
Farewell, dear reader,
Prince Darshon

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