Sunday, September 25, 2011

I, Lindsey

Last night I began sketching out characters and outlining "Flames" and found that it wasn't as hard as I feared. Warrant, looking at it, it looks entertaining and somewhat effective, but not exactly a life-changing film. Still, I found that I had the basic story lines plotted last night before I went to sleep.
When I did fall asleep, I dreamed about it. I dreamed that I completed the script and somehow got it to the producers of "Fire Proof" and they were excited about producing it. I woke again, fell back asleep and dreamed about working on the set with the actors for it and acting in it. I woke and fell asleep again and dreamed of the story itself. Then that it was produced by a different group. All night long, I dreamed and woke and dreamed again and each time people were excited about it. I took it as a sign that I should write it and I wasn't imagining it.
So this morning I began to write. It came pretty easily. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece but things are shaping. I'm not sure all the right formatting but I'm doing the best I can. I'm just writing basic dialogue right now. Later on, I'll go in and flesh out scenes and scenery. I keep praying that God will show me what to write because I'm really not sure of what I'm doing or if I'm doing it right.
I did hit some bumps that made me stop but it's not a lack of knowing what needs to happen - it's that I need to research how it would realistically happen.
Still, it's kind of a weird place to be and amazing at the same time. I really can't imagine it taking off or even being produced but I know if God wants it to, He's going to do it.
My part is writing it, so that's what I'm going to do. After that, it's up to Him to do something with it or show me what to do with it.
Other than that I didn't make it to church. I was waiting for Lauren, but she didn't come. It was too late to go to the church we had planned so I thought I'd just drive down the street and go to the first one. Only I could only find Catholic churches and it was so late, they'd be half over anyway. I went home and worked some more on "Flames".
I took the day off. I really did. I only worked on stuff I wanted to. I ran the grammar check through "The Captive" and updated a chapter of "Come What May." I wrote out two scenes for Dorothy because I'm trying to find her thought processes behind what happens in the play. I have this funny idea that I need to create a realistic character who survives twisters and talks to scarecrows...
The more I edit, the more things I find I need to fix and the more I wonder what else needs to be fixed. Tomorrow I'm going to do a chapter in the HTML book and work on carefully doing a last read-through of "Across the Distance." In the afternoon, I'm hoping to work on reformatting "The Calling" - though I'm wondering if I should wait till I'm done with the HTML book and try to figure out whatever should be an easy fix instead of starting from scratch.
And somewhere in there, I need to do the research for "Flames." I need to find the legal procedure for a father who discovers a child he formally couldn't find, the requirements for becoming a volunteer firefighter, and something else that I can't remember at the moment....

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