Friday, September 16, 2011

Sunrises and Rain!

Today started the exact same way yesterday did: By being jarred out of long-awaited sleep by an alarm clock going off at 5:45. By a minute of confusion sorting out dreams from reality and resisting the urge to go back to sleep.
I got up. I took a shower and trouped into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Then curled up with my kindle to read my Bible and then more of the "No Excuses" book. I need to fill out more of the forms. I read for around thirty minutes. I also finished the book I bought on an editing method, finding it really didn't have anything that I haven't used in the past. For another person I'm sure it would be helpful but for me, it wasn't terribly insightful. I decided to start the day with a walk/jog and began going around the block. I saw the sun rise. There was a pile of dark clouds in front which made a nice contrast and as I walked toward it, the clouds began to blow away. It was inspiring. I stopped just to watch it, feeling like God had made it just for me to show that though I'm so confused and I'm don't know enough to make the best decision, I soon will.
I enjoyed it every moment except for the one when I was wondering if it was actually smoke from a huge fire. But after I decided it was a cloud, I continued my jog/walk and went nearly two miles.
I returned to the house and inserted the chapter numbers back into the heading for "The Calling." Then I ran the grammar check to see if I could find those little typos I noticed in the book. I found a few. Now I'm trying to figure out if I read back through it if I'll find anything else. I researched more on a woman who formats for kindle, explaining my problem to her. She said to send it and she'd take a look. On closer investigation I decided what her normal routine is what I already tried. I'm not sure why this book isn't working when the others are fine. I began looking for someone with more knowledge of HTML. I found a website that looked fantastic. I'd love to use it but as of the moment, I can't afford it.
Along with that, even getting someone to do this book, doesn't teach me how I did it incorrectly and I want to learn how to format novels to professional standards. I did find out, however, that the guy that runs this company, Joshua, wrote a book. I bought it.
I've only begun to read it but looking at the Table of Contents, it looks like it's solved all my problems and more.
In other words... I think if I study this book, I can really put out a good product. Of course I wouldn't stop learning here as there's always more to learn but I think this will give me all the answers I've been looking for.
I might even be able to offer to format OTHER PEOPLE'S books and help supplement my income so I can afford that professional editor I need for my own work.
Seems like a good deal to me.
Other than that... I haven't gotten much done. But knowledge is power and if I have to take a few hours to find what I need to be informed, it's not wasted time.
I've also been researching editing software. Most places require a yearly subscription and I'm really more interested in software I can download once and be done. However I've found one that looks good and I'm waiting to hear back to see if I can put it on more than one computer - I use two. Or if I can redown load it later if I switch computers or have a crash.
Oh! And it rained! Then sun's back out now but it poured for a good half-hour. I'm hoping they got rain where all the fires are as well.

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