Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Progress... slowly...

I woke today all by myself at 6:00. Though I can't say I was mentally ready to get up, I wasn't terribly tired either. I got up, read my Bible and went to read some of a grammar/editing book. But I inadvertently opened "The History of Ireland" and that turned into a bit of a detour. It's not as boring as it sounds, especially when I'm comparing it to the early Erish history. Forcing myself to close it (after a bit of reading) I read some of "Dunn with Editing" by Nann Dunne and more of "No Excuses!" by Brian Tracy. I've finished the book but I'm going back through. I worked all morning putting five pages through the editing program, using the Dunne book to figure out what to do with the results. Then I stopped the editing program and started mass runthroughs with search and found.
These are the things I searched and found. *Wags eyebrows.*
Search for “seem” – delete when you can.
Search for “Now.” – delete when you can.
Search for “well” – consider deletion (My characters said it in nearly every sentence sometimes)
Search for “up”. You can often delete or rephrase with a better word.
Delete “so”
Delete “still”
Delete “before” especially at the end of a sentence.
Delete “turned”
Search for “move”
I discovered. I talk weird. I talk like a Southerner. So many of these suggested searches, I didn’t think I’d find much – or not as much as I did. Martha said “well” nearly every time her mouth opened. Most of the time you can delete anyone who’s turning toward anything and use whatever action they do afterward as a stand-alone. I've never noticed how many times I end a sentence with "before."
And except a few breaks to get away from the computer - that's what I did today. I feel much better about my writing - at least the one I've changed.
I also (think) I got the glitches in "The Calling" fixed. I've uploaded it again. Cross your fingers.
I took a shower before rehearsal for the sake of my fellow actors.
Now I've got about ten minutes before I leave to be Dorothy.
I'm running out of ideas for things to add to the character. I'm going to have to work on that too.

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