Monday, September 12, 2011

Without Excuse

I'm reading the book "No Excuses" with Danae and this is the beginning of what I'm learning through the exercises in the back. It's a great book so far (I've read a grand total of two chapters.) In fact, I rather enjoyed the irony of procrastinating going to bed, and again getting up to start chores in order to read a book that focuses on "self-control" with the definition of "Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not." I highly recommend it.

If my work life and career were ideal, I would turn my stories into books and then my books into movies. I would work as both author and actress and also direct or co-direct my films. The money I made from these endeavors would be used to cover basic living expenses (which would ideally be kept simply and low) and generously donated to help alleviate suffering in the world such as human trafficking and world hunger. The books and films would be realistic but wholesome. Their purpose would leave people inspired to be and do more. Controversial scenes would never be used solely for enjoyment but to realistically depict grave situations in life, leading to what can be done to overcome them.

One discipline I could develop to help achieve it is One discipline that could help me achieve this goal is to begin networking with like-minded people and finding out what opportunities are out there. Also to read and learn as much as I could to improve in both arts.

2. If my family life were ideal at the moment, we would have less criticism and more communication with each other. I need to make sure that I begin only saying things that will encourage my family and build them up.

3. If my health was perfect in every way, I would stress and worry less. I wouldn’t ache or have asthmas. I would eat all organic and natural food. I would have more muscles and strength.

The disciplines that I would need to make this possible would be to drive farther for good food and the self-control and time-management to keep up with exercise.

4. If my financial situation was ideal, I would have a steady source of income from investments that didn’t require hours out of each day in order to maintain. I would have the freedom to persue projects and goals that were important to me and would make a difference in the world. If I did work at a “job”, it would be something that I was very passionate about with people I cared about.

I guess the discipline that I would need the most today is to research how this could be achieved and then to have the courage to follow through. Right now I have no money to invest so I might need to be willing to work in a less-than-ideal place in order to build up enough funds to begin investing.

5. I’m not as successful as I need to be, mainly because I’m too scared to get out and try. I don’t want to live by myself – and if I do, I want to move back to Palacios because I have such a strong emotional tie there. I don’t have enough money to buy the courses I’d like to further my education or finish out college. I don’t live near any Christian film companies and I’m afraid to get too involved with the secular companies who don’t have the same goals for their productions. I also don’t know much about writing screenplays.

I need to overcome fear. I need to base my choices off of opportunity and not emotions. I need to find ways to learn about the film industry as well as how to successfully navigate the publishing and promoting world. But I’d say across the board, it boils down to fear of people’s opinions and my ability to succeed.

6, One discipline I could develop to help me reach more of my goals would be to stop second-guessing myself and take action.

7. If I could be completely disciplined in one area to have the greatest positive impact in my life, it would be to learn and act upon what God’s will is instead of basing my choices on what I desire and other people think I should do. On a more earthly level, I think developing better communication skills with people would help alleviate a good portion of my fear.

Chapter Two:

Three people who I admire are: The IJM team because they dedicate their lives to fighting injustice and freeing captives.

2. George Washington Carver because he strove to learn as much as he could, depended on God for his answers, and learning that a small, simple thing has infinant worth and value.

3. Edith Brown? Because she’d only lived a fraction of her life, but she gave up her seat in the last lifeboat of the Titanic so that a mother could stay with her children.

2. The most important quality that I must strive to emulate is courage. With courage, I would not be afraid to try new things, to stand up for others and myself and to be truthful at all times.

3. I feel most confident when I am in the theater. I know how to conduct myself, how to relate to others and what is expected. I feel most confident after I have achieved a difficult accomplishment, when people are viewing my work and I know that it is well done. Also when I help or donate to a cause I believe in.

4. I have the greatest self-esteem and personal worth when I’m developing my passions and molding my character. When I’m proving to myself that I can do something I was unsure of.

5. If I was an excellent person in every respect, I would behave differently by going to be and getting up early, maintaining an orderly house, not being ruled by opinions or material goods. I would fearlessly love people and help them whenever I could. I would never complain or criticize. I would do all I could to better the quality of people’s lives and make them feel their worth. I would hear clearly from God and obey him without hesitation or questioning. I would inspire people to love, be generous, be fearless and to build each other up. I would dress neatly and keep myself in good health. I would not stress, panic or worry.

6. One quality I would like for people to think of when my name is mentioned is integrity. I can accomplish this by striving to do my best in every situation and being honest.

7. One area that I need to be more truthful and practice higher levels of intregrity today in is my relationship with sin and God.

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