Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Night

I worked for hours on rewriting "The Captive". I have two drastically different endings for King Galaphy. And I like them both for different reasons. It's hard to know which one to keep. I may have to somehow work in other viewpoints to cover or - something.
Anyway. I've had a good day. Except my computer fan quit. It didn't break or snag. It just - got really hot without spinning. Hmmmm.
I'm torn on sleeping in tomorrow or getting up early. Some days I'm sleepy all day and some I'm not. It doesn't seem to have much to do with the waking time as much as how long I stay asleep at night. But I seem to get off to a better start when I stick with the routine.
Which... I just realized I broke anyway because it's 10:41.
But tonight... I'm on a writing roll. So I will write.
These sort of days don't come often enough.


  1. Roll with it, hon! I am so proud of how you're committing your days to accomplish your goals .... your days may vary slightly from what you originally intend, but it's good to have some flexibility built into your discipline. Love you!

  2. Thanks, Laura! I didn't know if anyone was still reading this.

    Sometimes I even run acros something about your day that I didn't already know from speaking with you!
