Friday, June 17, 2011


Today... I didn't get up at 6:30. I went back to sleep. I got up at 8:30 and worked in the garden. Then helped Ryan clean the house. Then worked for several hours on reading through "Across the Distance" again only getting through about 13 pages. Hmmm...
Anyway, I'm in a fairly good mood. The Johovah Witness's came back and we talked about um... how people just die and don't go to Heaven or Hell. Then at the Judgment Day (which is really a thousand years reign) they come back and get to prove themselves humble enough and obey Christ without the influence of Satan to stay in the New World (which is really the old world restored without being burned.)
The problem was... it threw me off so badly, I couldn't think of any way to prove that we die and go to Heaven (or Hell). I did point out that if we got that second chance, then it was our actions that saved us and obliterated Christ's death and salvation which they pointed out was what gave us that chance. When I pointed out it was by faith and not works, they got off on the bunny trail of how without works to prove our faith to God, we weren't really saved because if we keep sinning and saying we're sorry, we're really not saved.
Or something like that. It was confusing and I kept praying for God to give me words to say but I didn't really hear anything. Anyway. We'll see. I love Christianity but I hate getting tied up in debates over theology.
Now I think I'm going to work on "The Captive." And I need to come up with more ways to advertise "The Calling." Any ideas, anyone?

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