Sunday, June 19, 2011

Goals for this Week


Walk 2 miles with Val.

à Bible read

à Vitamin

à Face washed/dressed/hair

à Bathroom cleaned

à Breakfast made

à Kitchen cleaned

à Room cleaned

à 2 hour or 4000 words of “The Captive”

à 1 hour publicity for “The Calling.”


à Face washed

à Teeth brushed

à Room picked up

à Chapter read

à Bed by 10:30

It’s my goal this week to incorporate regular house cleaning AND to finish the first draft of “The Captive!”

Five days – lots of Erish events to wrap up.

Can she do it???

So this week I hope to:

A. put up a video introducing my book to the world.

B. Put up a video reading the first chapter of the book to the world.

C. Set up at least one more book signing somewhere.

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