Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 3, Day 1

Today I woke at 7:40, read my Bible in Job and found myself confused. I can't wait to get to the part where God's talking because half of what the four guys are saying sounds logical to me and the other half sounds like blubbering. It's been a long time since I read that book.
I walked 2.27 miles and stretched a bit. I found it harder today - probably because of a certain four-year-old who's very cute but weighs as much as I do jumping on my back rapidly in succession yesterday just before he spit on me...
Showered, cleaned the sink and toilette, picked up my room. Ate random things for breakfast and breakfast food for lunch...
And wrote a mock newspaper article for "The Calling." Val is going to help me revamp it and give it an outsiders view. I've been throwing back and forth ideas with the grandparents about ways to get the word out and make the book available in different places so people can easily access them. I found Inews with CNN where people can submit their own stuff so I'm looking into doing that.
Today I'm hoping to write an introduction to my book to film within the next few days to put on youtube and facebook. I'm also going to take a copy along to rehearsal to show my fellow actors whom I've been talking to about writing.
It's hard to keep the ball rolling in one spot while you focus on another. But I'm learning. Every book that comes out is going to make things easier.

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