Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I began the first account of a Royal Erish wedding - or any Erish wedding for that matter - today. I wrote for a bit, getting all sentimental (or maybe I was channeling the parents of the bride) before I had to get ready for the CYT meeting. I met with Sandi about this summer's camp. I'm doing Lion King - which I've seen a total of once in my life. Getting home from that, I teased with Lauren in the kitchen. Grandma promised (again) to cut my hair today and we were going to do a photo shoot for my book for the paper.
So to get Grandma off the phone, Lauren and I picked up the ends of our hair and waved them as we danced in and out of the room in front of Grandma. (Yes, we're in a house of drama freaks.)
It worked.
I finanally got my hair cut. It's been over a year and I've been trying since January. Don't panic. We only took off about three inches of damage and touched up the layers. Then we curled it and did my makeup and - it was time for rehearsal.
So I looked dang good at rehearsal. I brought my book to show my fellow actors and two said they're going to go to Hastings this week and buy them. Hope Hastings actually pulled them back out... *whistles at ceiling*. We're going to have a float in the parade (one of the biggest in Texas, I hear - though most of it's random cars with nothing on them...lol. Or trucks. We like showing off trucks in the parade apparently.") Anyhow... I'm trying to remember the last time I was in a parade. I think it was for winning the bronze star award in 4-H that I honestly had no clue what I did to get. It was hot. Terribly hot and I spent a good majority with my head on my knees, melting in sweat.
This will be different, of course.
Though parades are really funny things if you think about it. People lining up to see other people going down the street....
Anyway. It's too late for rambling.
I got to rehearsal and we did the go-go scene. The entire time. I spent the last hour running down the isle and doing this fast dance with lots of jumping and shaking and spinning (I get dizzy super easy.) And when I wasn't doing that I was waiting in the back to run on. James has discovered if he pokes me, I'll jerk. If he grabs me, I'll nearly run into chairs trying to get away. And if he wrestles me... well, he thinks I should learn self-defense.
I'm just going to say I wasn't really trying to hurt him.
So Jenn, James and I all worked on self-defense and watched him jump up from laying on the ground in Jacki Chann (sp?) style. But mostly we ran and danced. I'm rethinking doing that song in heeled boots.
Oh. I discovered something else today. I can indeed do a cartwheel.
This is amazing. Last time I tried I had a seven and eight year old version of my cousins laughing their heads off and then showing me how to do it. And I couldn't catch on.
After rehearsal I made my escape - or tried. My car took five or six times before it died on me. Even when I got it going, it wasn't always registering that I was pushing the gas pedal and just kind of - sat there.
So that was a bit scary. I got home and burned my grilled cheese talking to Jess. Now I'm sleepy. It's an hour after I'm supposed to be in bed.
And 6:00 is coming early. I can't believe that dream was one I had last night. It seems like I crammed in two days into one. And tomorrow will be busier. I still have that photo shoot. I need to make my advertisement for the program. I have another CYT meeting from 1-3 and rehearsal from 6-10.
And somewhere in there I need to walk and write an Erish wedding and...
other stuff I can't remember.
So good night dear readers!

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