Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28

Sarah came and I spent a day with her shopping. She got some clothes and I found a "more natural" shampoo and conditioner from Nature's Gate that I'm very pleased. Once I added soap, deodorant and thank you cards, my money was just about used up. Thus is the price of cleanliness.
Yesterday I went to Eddy's house and helped Sarah pick the pears and give Ginger a bath. I've been working on reading through "Swing." A few days ago I prepared a whole line of emails to be sent out to set up a book tour - I have not sent them as they have my cell number on - and for some reason we've tried three times to get the company to turn back on the service. It should have done it automatically but it dropped it. Now they've told me twice it will be working within an hour - and this is the fourth day I've been without it.
I've decided to add a chapter to "Across the Distance" where two characters are reunited. As excited as I am to write it - it usually only comes perfectly into my head when I can't write it down. When I go to do it, it and all my other stories run away and taunt me from afar.
Sort of like the way my kindle is taunting me. It arrived in Seguin yesterday and now still waits to be delivered. I'm hoping when I get it, it'll help me figure out the formatting issues I need to resolve before I can release "The Secret of Sentarra." As soon as "Swing" and "Across the Distance" are ready, I'll be releasing them as well. Then I'll work in earnest on "The Captive" and probably start writing "The King" or a stand alone novel.
This week I've been trying to stay away from multitasking - with various amount of luck. I made a schedule to section off my days and when I'll work on what. But I'm thinking that cripples me more than helps (I say as I'm writing a blog update because Pop hasn't woken so I can't get the groceries and I'm putting off starting on stories). I tend to get caught up in perfection and spend more time creating agendas than actually fulfilling them. Plus I'm not sure it's good to work at the computer in large blocks of time. Yesterday I tried alternating 15-20 minutes on Swing and then housework. I quit before one got old and move to another and it helped my back and eyes from staring at a screen all day. My back especially is protesting the life of a writer.
This will be the last weekend for Joseph shows. Wizard of Oz auditions are coming up but with my new teaching job going from 6-8 on Monday nights, I'm not sure what that would do to my chances of landing a role. It's hard to cast an actor who's going to miss 2 hours of rehearsal every week - especially as Dorothy which is who I'm aiming for. She's in nearly every scene so it would be hard to work around that.
We'll see what happens though. If I don't get in, I don't and I'll have more time to talk to my neglected friends who seem to have opposite schedules from me lately. My back is telling me that it's time to leave the computer.
Tata for now.

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22

I got in bed at 10:10 last night though it was 12 before I fell asleep. I woke around 7:30, read my Bible and resolved to do everything before turning on my computer. Though I really wanted to read my novel. I did - almost everything. The bed remained unmade. It was cold and I really didn't want to get out of it. I did make it soon though and then replied to the emails. Then cleaned all the dishes in the kitchen which was no simple task. I worked on Swing and finished putting in all the edits and I RPGed on and off almost all day.
It was a lovely day. And I have to leave in ten minutes for my show. I wish I could just stay here and continue writing. Who'd have thought I would see the day when I'd want to write more than act?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

10 Blessings

1. My car is fixed and running like a dream.
2. I'm getting a paycheck for last week.
3. I went to a nice church today.
4. My show went off with only minor mishaps.
5. I am feeling better today than I was a few weeks ago.
6. I get to see my Mama on Tuesday.
7. I get to travel back to Sweeny to see my friends on Tuesday.
8. I'm not in debt.
9. I have a great novel I'm reading.
10. I finished writing "The Captive" yesterday!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 16, 2011

"No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist." - Oscar Wilde

There's much to say about last night's opening night.
I had every costume malfunction you could think of.
As I rose from being a wife, I stepped on my hem. And did this little hoppy-dance trying to get it fr
om underfoot. But then it was too late to fix anything so I used this little bouncy step to remove myself from the stage. Then found I ne
eded to keep in charecter to get the wooden crate offstage. So I bounce-walked over, hauled up the crate, made my way toward the newly hung curtains that hid backstage - and banged into the only pole there. Rather hard. Hard enough to bounce me back.
Smoothly done.
We got through the "One More Angel" dance, wobbling in the middle but finishing strong. I rushed offstage for my ten second costume change which includes shedding one layer of clothing to reveal the next, taking my hair out of two braids to hang straight down and adding a headpiece.
I got my hair down, managed to get my shirt unbuttoned and off, put on the head piece, took two steps onto a dark stage - and looked down to realize under my black and gold sultry outfit, I'm still wearing my bright yellow broomstick skirt from the one angel scene.
I rushed back offstage, glad the lights hadn't come on yet, and pushed it off. I told Monica about it today, saying I didn't know what I would have done if they had been on, except worked on removing it during the dance. She thought that would have been great and said if I had done a strip-tease dance and she heard about it she
would have died laughing.
I probably just would have died... then laughed. As it was, I only started off on the wrong foot during the dance which threw me off for the next part but I again got through it, increasingly not happy this was the night my family had come to watch.
As it was, I came much closer to it than I cared to admit. During intermission I have to change underthings, costumes, shoes, put on Egy
ptian eye make up, a wig cap and a wig in fifteen minutes. It's no easy feat. My asthma kicked in on the angel dance and by intermission I was seriously wondering if I'd end up blacking out on the floor.
I could not find my wig cap. I had checked it at the beginning of the show, deciding to put it where I could get to it - but I could not remember where that was. It was hard getting the wig on without it. Then Jen grabbed me as I walked by.
"Lindsey! Can you fit in this?"
She held out her costume that ha
d been huge on her the first day, sent in for alterations - and now wouldn't zip up even half of her back.
"I don't - I can try..."
There wasn't time to run behind the screen they have set up and with Trey on one side and Chance on the other - it was an awkward change. But the dress zipped after a bit of effort. Then they tried to pull the halter top around my neck... it only went if I held my shoulders way back and they safety-pinned a very choking hold. When I dropped my arm, there was a good inch of material cutting into my skin.
There was not a thing to be done about it and that was the costume I had for the entire second act. During the first dance, I grabbed Joseph's leg and felt a pop and a scrape against the back of my neck.
There went the safety pen. Which meant my entire top was loose... I backed into my place, bringing my hands to catch it while trying to look like I was preening and showing off.
Thankfully the song was almost over. We had to safety pin it again twice and then it was holding my breath and going back on.
I was not a happy camper even before the show had gotten ten minutes in and I was worried it would show on my face. The audiance laughed a lot - but when they weren't laughing they looked completely bored - maybe it was my outlook.
Mom said it was great and the only glitch she noticed was me grabbing my top.
Pop said today he really liked it - and you couldn't usually pay him to see musicals.
Lauren said it was cute.
So I guess it was better than I thought.

Today - went a lot better for me. Grandma worked magic on my stolen costume and made it where it fits quite nicely, doesn't choke and doesn't come off.
The only big mishap was in Angel in Heaven. This time we got through the middle strong and finished... in this weird, wobbling - wrong hand, half spin, give up the kick up pose and ended up in an extremely close, awkward hugging position that didn't seem terribly family friendly and was entirely by accident.
And that I had to go to the bathroom before the show started and you can't access them from backstage. So that was fun. Luckily just before intermission I have to go outside the theater, walk around the building in this pink, shiny number and run down the isle from the back. Which is by the bathrooms. Apparently I wasn't the only one because after the show, I heard one of the brothers randomly burst into a rendition of "Oh no! Not he! How you can accuse him is a mystery!" Instead he sang. "Oh no! Must pee! How I've gone on this long is a mystery!"
Apparently this cast isn't known for their modesty.
On a completely different note, I finished "The Captive" today. I'm not sure I like the last sentence but I'll catch it on the editing stage. Takes a bow.
And I'm pretty sure I'm going to be buying that kindle, though to get the one I want with the case I want, it's going to be over half my paycheck.
It's for work, right???
So there you are, folks. An updated blog with more details than you probably care to read.
I'll blame it on lack of sleep.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 13, 2012

Last night.... in my dreams...
I watched my childhood house burn. And my house in Sweeny burn. And I had thirty minutes to gather what I loved most from Palacious before the fires swept over there and took it away from me forever.
It was depressing. I woke at 3:00 and felt upset. Then fell back asleep - and the dream continued.
And it was awful thinking I had only a few more minutes in the house I love and then I would never see it again.
I woke again and looked at my clock. It was 5:59 one minute before my alarm would buzz and play five seconds of "Fur Elise" on the off-chance that I slept through the buzz. Getting up was easier than yesterday - probably because I woke on my own.
But getting out the door... was another story.
I printed out my pages with the solos that I stayed up last night attaching kid's names too. Then made a cup of coffee (oh, yes I did), then gathered my bag, the papers and the coffee. Then remembered I needed money from my purse.
So I got my purse, then the GPS, then couldn't find my coffee. Then found my coffee, but couldn't fine my GPS. Long story short. I set one thing down looking for the other.
I finally got everything in one place and rushed out the door - only to find that I left the papers with the solos. I had copied them to an email to print so I ended up scrolling down my phone the entire day, calling out names.
And I thought tomorrow was the bring your own lunch day. It was today. So I had trail mix. Except John said he forgot his too and Austin did too. I'd sold a book to Jacob who was excited to get it, so I bolted across the parking lot with them for a run to Whataburger.
I ate, hiding out inside while the kids were on the slip'n'slide, and water ballooning each other.
The kids are doing well. They can sing when they're singing. They can dance when they're dancing. But they can't sing and dance at the same time.
I came home, and laid down for a nap. I thought I had time to write. Put it on the backburner. Then remembered it was full dress and I needed to do Eygyptian make-up. Which requires gathering what I need into my make up box and learning how to do it. It took an hour, a badly done try by me and a beter one that Grandma did. Then wiping it off, stuffing a piece of pizza in my mouth before chewing it as I'm driving down the road.
It still took an hour before we started the show.
Some of the kids were pretending to be Monte Carlo and Taylor Swift who were enemies who were destined to become friends. They had one body guard in the form of Monte Carlo's brother. And the girl had a bribing contest with the next boy to come in.
"I'll pay you 2300 dollars a month! I mean a day!"
"I'll pay you (something I can't hear)..."
"..... That's not even a real sum," This comes from the man who's being offered the job.
"Well, pretend it is."
"Yeah but if you work for me, you get 2,3, and 4, oclock off."
I'm not sure who won.
Gah. I have more to say but .... I'm too sleepy. Todya was good. I'll try to write the rest tomorrow.
The voice teacher and his son's approval.
The theater ghost.
"Dress up the mess up."
Joseph's first official announcement.
My books' first stage debut for one...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday, July 12th

Had trouble getting out of bed this morning.
CYT went great. Kids are cute. I spent a good majority of time on the ground crawling with them like Lions and hyenas trying to get them to sing with enthusiasm.
It worked.
Got home. Talked to mama. Talked to Val - very disjointedly.
Arrived at rehearsal an hour early. Walked home.
Did CYT stuff.
Drove back to rehearsal.
Fell a step behind everyone on the dances. Had trouble keeping my wig on.
Found out Joseph's director contract has ended and that's why he's not here this week - no explanation for last week. Thank God for grapevines.
My knee has begun it's customary pre-show collasping.
I'm exhausted.
I'm going to bed.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday, July 11th, 2011

This morning, I woke up a day older.
I'd set out my clothing and my rehearsal bag so I thought I was all ready. But Sarah stayed over last night and slept on the trundle. I grabbed my clothing and changed in the bathroom, then discovered I had to make more trips in the bedroom than I planned. My Bible was perched in my window sill, snuggled up among my other books, all of which have a knack for jumping out together right where my sister's head would be. I decided to just find Grandma's Bible in the back office. So I snuck through the dark house only to find Tyler sleeping between the doorway and the blackened bookshelf.
So I decided to walk first, then see if I could locate a Bible. I called Val who didn't answer and I took God's message and went back up to grab my computer. And read my Bible online. Then looked for something to magically appear in the fridge. I ate toast and honey on my walk and this time Val did answer. I got back, hunted down the GPS, snuck back in my room for my purse, went out, went BACK in for my purse that I had set down while searching for the CYT music CD I realized I might need to teach the vocal part.
Then went down to Ryan's car, plugged in the GPS and - it worked to pick up a satilite. I began to drive. I know the first part. Ryan's battery charger doesn't work well and every two seconds the satalite (sp???) lost power and went to battery. Then informed me the battery was low. Then continued it's search for the powers in the sky that would ensure I safely arrive at 7:15 prompt at a house 1.5 miles from my own.
And searched. I turned on the road I thought looked right.
Then looked at the roads beyond... this didn't look quite right.
And that didn't look right at all.
And the satalight still searched.
So I turned the car around, went back down the main road and called Grandma. Who didn't answer. So I called Sandy. Who did.
And directed me back toward the road I had turned on.
And then... the satalite worked...
So I got there at 7:17 which wasn't too bad since we planned on leaving at 7:20.
I spent the first part of camp blowing up balloons, listening to music from Enchanted and Wicked and a host of other songs Pandora threw out there. Then hung up big signs on the fence outside, somehow not even seeing the big dead deer that the vultures were eating on the side of the road when we left.
Then I played with balloons and beach balls, kicking them back to random kids.
There was a whole collaboration of them. Sha.- who's eight though she looks about four. She came from the Ukraine a year ago, not speaking a word of English - though she speaks it quite well now as she informs you she does not like her locker and wants the one two lockers down that looks just like it (but is filled with books).
Sil. who gave us a rather operatic reendition of "Somewhere over the Rainbow," and informed us she wanted to be Scar and a host over others whose names and auditions all ran together as we tried frantically to write notes on people and keep up with who was trying out for which five characters.
The coreography was awesome and the kids caught on well. The "Green Pink Flamingos" named their counselors, "Henry" (after Mr. Curly) was vetoed by John Mark himself. I'm not sure which Henry has the honor of being his namesake. The other councilors (for this week) are Tink, Big Red and Um.... something that sounds like Baboni or something that's apparently Swahili for "hunter" - or in our case "huntress" since Beth is a girl.
I scarfed down a delli sandwich before and while helping Sandi decide who to get for callbacks.
Then it was a mad scramble to tell a child's potential from one or two phrases of song and reading of a part when some of them couldn't read very well so inflection and character were lost in the process.
For some reason today the only story character that continually popped into my mind was little Clayton, whom I decided would decidedly love this camp. Funny him, for he would love any event where kids were wanted and there were snacks to be had but there you go. Kent - the real guy in drama - showed up a few times too but only in very passing thoughts. So Clayton was my imaginary buddy for the day.
Funny how they do that.
And back to the real children...
Only one little girl was terribly upset at not getting a part and broke my hope that we wouldn't see any teary eyed faces. The camp for Lion King along has about 30 kids and 13 speaking roles. I told her she was going to get a special solo and I'm really not sure if it helped her or not but her mother seemed a bit relieved.
Then everyone was gone except the kids who were staying for "Into the Woods Jr" workshop that some of the councilors were teaching after this. I waited for Sandy and talked with some of the other kids/workers - six of whom belonged to one family. They wanted to see my book so I'm going to bring up a few copies tomorrow.
We left about four to go back to Sandy's. I drove home to discover Pop had got a few things from the store including spinage and tomato. So I made a salad, tried to clean myself up after sweating all the way home in Ryan's car, then searched for the keys - and searched and searched. And found them in the ignition... which does not bode well for the beginning of camp week.
But I got to rehearsal and pulled out my solo parts to plug kids into who gets what, to discover I forgot to check the paper in the printer - except to see that it was there. And it was photo paper. So not only a waste of money and paper - pencils don't like writing on photo paper.
I put on my potterpherette costume, then talked to Rachel about plays, music and my book. She also wants a copy. We got our wife coustumes too. THey're black with headcovering and veils that make you feel like you're trying to breathe in a plastic bag in a closet.
But it was great fun going on stage and kicking like ninjas which is what everyone said we looked like. So we went through another rehearsal. Some was good. Some was rough. There were crazy costume changes, missing headbands and walking out the backstage door and around the building to the front of the theater, sporting a black Egyptian outfit with material to my knees and a sharp V neckline that plunges so low, it's impossible to find something to wear underneath that won't show, toting a shiny, bright pink go-go costume.
Quite the clash of history.
Joseph still hasn't shown up.
I'm beginning to secretly suspect they killed him off and stuck his body somewhere... ;)
Seriously though... it's not cool to have a director go MIA.
We sat through notes and I rushed home to eat pizza and try to blog before I forgot the rest of today's details.
I'm sooo sleepy. And I still have to cast those solo lines.
Then it starts over at 6:00 tomorrow morning...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 9th, 2011

It started as a good day. Despite laying in the dark trying to turn off depressing, beating up voices last night, I woke in a good mood and decided to keep it. I ordered my proof-copy, had a five minute chat with my Mother. I listened to sermons and somehow scrounged up a semi-healthy meal from scratch. I've been craving fresh stuff lately - and there's not much in the house in the way of salads. But I created a whole-wheat pasta dish that wasn't too bad.
Then came in to work on putting the solos into the "Lion King" lyrics. That wasn't so bad. What got me in a bad mood was trying to work out simple harmonies for the kids to learn - and how to remind myself what they were in time to teach. And I'd get it and it would mess up, and I'd try again and the chord would be right but the sulfege wrong. And I'd try it again and I don't even know why it was so hard but it got me really irritated and now I don't even know if I should try to teach kids harmony.
And then Ryan came in from grocery shopping and I was elated. Except no one told me he was going so fresh things weren't on the list. Pop told me if I wanted something I could call him and I was going to call to make sure. But then Pop asked about a date and I went to check it for him and forgot.
So now we have food. Lovely, processed, zap in the microwave, fake food.
The only fresh thing is oranges.
Which I can't eat.
And it really shouldn't be a big deal, but I seriously feel like strewing this music all around the room, cancelling all future outings for the next year and becoming a recluse.
Don't you just love mood swings?

Friday, July 8, 2011

July 8th

"A person who has not done one half his day's work by ten o'clock, runs a chance of leaving the other half undone."

If we had not pushed the performances back a week, I would be doing my dang best to look lively on stage right now.
But we did. So I'm sitting on my bed, waiting for supper to be done and reveling in a evening of writing with Val and Jess if she gets on and feels like it.
I didn't set my alarm this morning. I woke several times during the night, dreaming about rehearsal, Shelby and a host of other things I can't remember what.
I woke at 8:00 and read my Bible. Then turned out the light and went back to sleep until - 10:30ish... 9:30... something like that. I cleaned the bathroom, visited our dying garden and made a pizza.
Then I created my cover for my book which - while not looking quite like I wanted, I was pleased with. I've submitted all the files for review and I'll be ordering a proof as soon as the company says I can.
Whoo-hoo for something done.
Then I wrote a charming 500 word scene about Darshon teasing Eslaveth. But then I switched to Tehveor and - he's not saying much, the little stinker.
So I read some of my book. Then tried to write again. Then fell asleep for two hours.
Then read more of my book.
And now I'm still kind of woozy.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7th, too late for comfort

My life is beginning to read like a child's reader.

I need to run.
I can run.
See me run fast.

I had 20 minutes after the photo shoot (and grabbing Amy from walking down the road to stand in for Scarlet) to download them. And of course today was the day my computer wouldn't recognize the camera chip. So we downloaded them to grandma's computer and I worked on putting them in my web album to transfer them to my computer. Then ran out the door for the meeting. Literally ran. I met the girls who are doing the dancing. They're nineteen and seem like they'll be really fun. It's Mariel and Jill. Then we ran by Kholes where I bought a polo shirt and passed it off to the others in the store to get embroidered for the CYT program. Returned home and again worked to get the pictures to my computer. I at a TV dinner. Bleh. Then left the album uploading to go to rehearsal where they were moving a huge Pharaoh head onstage. They spray painted it gold so everyone was nice and high before the show started. We ran through the scene changes of the second act. Then ran through the first act where I discovered I can indeed gogo dance in my brown boots with little heels.
I'm worried because Joseph our director again wasn't there. This is the third day and no one's saying how he is after the wreck. I'm going to text him in the morning and ask how he's feeling. Even if he's hurt, it's really not nice for them to not tell us what's going on and I CAN'T believe that they honestly haven't heard from him or don't know.
I hate cars.
And I didn't get to write a word today which saddens me because I was excited too.
My brother insisted if I got up at 6:00, I'd have time to watch a movie tomorrow before he returns it.
I just laughed.
I can't wait for a real day off where I can do nothing but read and write if I feel like it.
And I don't even have a "real" job....

July 7th

It really wasn't fair.
One moment I was thinking about Malcomb. The next I was dreaming about rehearsal and asking Chance who was moving something on set.
The a buzzing invaded the dream and I woke up, hoping it was a random midnight text.
But it was 6:00. I actually hit snooze. Then thought of all the things I needed to do an managed to get myself up. I walked 1.70 miles, feeling as sleepy at the end as I did at the beginning. Then made breakfast and put away the dishes to reload the washer.
Then broke down and had half a cup of coffee to see if it really did wake a person up. Read my Bible - the story of Joseph.
I'm still not sure. But I went to reply to Jess and needed to check on a pervious conversation in the story- ended up reading through quite a bit without finding what I was looking for. So I replied. Then decided to "restart" my morning like I hadn't gotten up yet. I dressed in semi-professional clothing, put on a necklace and make up and got my hair done. Then caught up on my blog. Now I'm going to go downstairs and get those pictures for the front of the cover. Hoping I don't look as sleepy as I feel.
After that, I'll work on CYT stuff while waiting for Sandy to be done with her meeting. Go to mine. Come home and hopefully write until rehearsal. Then get in bed before 11....

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 6th, 2011 - night

It's late. I'm already behind going to bed and about to fall asleep over the keyboard. Today was great. I went to a CYT meeting to work out details for the camp. Then wrote the ending to an Erish wedding. Then wrote the beginning of the story of 15 year old Margaret before she's queen of Eirlerre. Then downloaded the text, reading snatches of a "Shadow over Kiriath" between. It's a great book. I wish I had a day to just sit down and savor it - but that won't come till August. I worked on typing out daily plans for the camp, then bolted out the door for rehearsal. Only AFTER I got there and the theater began to spin and I felt a little drunk, did I realize I forgot to eat supper.
So I drank water instead and put on two layers of costumes over my shorts that really aren't much more modest than going without. Tonight was great. The understudy practiced and when they threw him in jail, he looked like a pathetic little puppy. Which is funny because I mentally cast him as "Dave" from Swing - if I had to use people from that cast.
The weirdest part was when the guys were changing. Ahem. Onstage. In the back foyer. All those little places you're not really expecting to walk in and find dudes in their boxers stripping off the skirt thingies the Egyptians wore. I do find it interesting that throughout history, some of the toughest guys wear skirts....
It was almost as awkward as feeling up the 30 something year old last night. Who'd have thought my most naughty roles would come in the Bible story?
So I returned home starving and ate in the kitchen, watching a show my brother had on until it had a ghost in it that drowned a girl. Then I decided to take my imagination to more profitable and less scary things like reading emails and blogging. And the time keeps creeping on.
But Jess sent me back a reply to a piece of work I sent her with comments and it completely made the ending of this night just perfect.

July 6th, 2011

"You may ask, when do I write then? Well, so far I haven't mentioned sleep, or meals - which many people allow to consume as much time as sleep itself - and in fact the only time I ever get to myself is what I steal from sleep and meals. There isn't very much of it..." Sir Thomas Moore - Utopia

Despite the momentary hesitation on the year date - (is it 2010 or 2011) - I'm starting off today with a bang! I dreamed that Val was here with me - and we both woke up about 8:00 and realized we overslept. So I was a bit confused when my alarm went off and it was 6:00. I got up, got dressed and called Val. My walk was about 1.20 of a mile. I didn't have a pocket for the pedometer. Breakfast was easy as we had left over biscuits so I warmed those up and put sausage on the George Foreman. So it's 7:46 and I'm ready to make my bed, throw a load of laundry in and start my writing workday. I'm sleepy and warring with my eyes (perhaps a shower will fix that) but in a much better state of mood than I was when I went to bed. Mentally - I'm ready to tackle the day. Now if I can only get my body in with the plan.
Today my goals are to finish the cover and send off for the proof for Across the Distance to start passing around for editing rounds. Then I'm going to locate the solos for the CYT camp and run through learning the songs I'll be teaching. Then I need to continue hacking away at "The Captive" and write something for the tales of the kingdom for the website. I'm setting a minimum goal of 500 words for both of those.
I can ease back into writing. So there you have it. Building momentum. Getting into gear.
Who needs sleep?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5th, 2010 (night)

Today I managed to write Erish vows - deciding they're decidedly more conservative in Eirlerre than in America. I wrote about 350 words for "The Captive" then spent the rest of the day formatting "Across the Distance" to send off for a proof copy. Despite setbacks, I nearly had it done before I had to leave for rehearsal. I danced alone at the beginning until I felt confidant in the song - then discovered I either learned it wrong or simply performed it wrong. We decided to push the show back a week so we have time to polish (and hopefully have dance rehearsals.) Our director was in a car accident. He wrote that they were waiting on the police and then he'd be there - but he never showed up or contacted us again. I'm a little freaked out by that, seeing how a "fine" car accident screwed up my brother's life.
Which means opening night will be the week I'm doing CYT. Sandy wants to meet tomorrow so I worked a bit on the break to find the solo places in the songs. I listened to the songs today but I don't know them. Everyone is stressed, including me but I'm working on just being the little engine that could and chugging along.
Who can publish three books at once, produce a play, perform a play, teach a musical and get ready for another set of auditions all at the same time?
Why, I can, of course!
With all that said. I need to go to bed. It's five minutes till 10:30 and... I'm seriously thinking about working down to getting up at 5:00 every morning. Fifteen hours in the day just aren't enough. Sigh.

July 5th, 2010

Despite climbing into bed around 10:15ish last night, I lay awake until I'm guessing 1 or 2. I discovered things about Remarr's past. He makes a pathetically adorable six year old. Just saying. As much as I wished it was morning - when morning did come, it was not greeted with open arms. I texted Val and dressed. Then headed out and called Val who hadn't responded to the text, waking her up at an hour when only Erish peasants and overworked Americans rise.
The sun was not up and my walk was much shorter than usual, lasting only about 30 minutes and going around 1.20 miles. Still, the wheels are being set in motion for a schedule and I'm sure I'll get back to where I rather look forward to the early mornings - once I've gotten over the pain of waking.
I returned home where I made the most horrible berry smoothy I've ever had. It came out tasting like watered down, half-melted berry ice cream. I didn't finish it. Then Grandpa came in sniffing in the kitchen so I made biscuits and he made omelets - which I cannot make to save my life. I told him we made a good team and he responded, "Like salt and pepper."
We ate, I visited the garden. We're coaxing the plants to stay alive and getting ready to plant the fall garden. Who can believe it's almost fall?
Then I returned inside to unpack my things from the trip and clean the rest of the room. It looks pretty good. It's got a box of book signing stuff on the floor, two piles of laundry waiting to go in the wash when the first pile is done and my rehearsal bag sitting by the door, full of dances to be learned, lyrics to be memorized and lion king songs to be mastered before I teach them to the kiddos.
I'm trying again to come up for the best game plan for writing. I'm using camp Nano to write short stories of Eirlerre to put on the website. I'm on the final read through for "Across the Distance" and "Swing" is waiting to be tweaked. I'm on the last chapter for "The Captive" and it's driving me crazy that it's taking weeks to finish it up. Then there's the Swing play script and all the things to publicize "The Calling" that I haven't done yet.
So there you are, Reader. I'm back on track and lagging way behind.

Monday, July 4, 2011


In a nutshell.

Day one. Went to bed fine. Woke up sick.


two. Went to bed aching. Woke up feeling li

ke I was dying.

Day 3-4 Repeat.

Day 5-7 Got past the dying mode and into stage two.

Stage Two:

Asthma attacks, struggles to breathe and a hacking cough that interrupts phone calls and keeps one from sleeping.

I was told I was really needed at Joseph rehearsals - and I knew I needed the practice. So I broke my no-medication policy. Breathing is a bit important. Just a bit. And it's awfully hard to do when you're dancing for hours ev

ery night.

So I danced and coughed and danced and drank water.

And danced and went home and c

oughed all night. Then slept half the day. The repeated.

And fretted over getting well because this weekend was a most important weekend when I had ....



we all lived happily ever after. Regular schedule resumes at 6:00

tomorrow morning.