Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 16, 2011

"No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist." - Oscar Wilde

There's much to say about last night's opening night.
I had every costume malfunction you could think of.
As I rose from being a wife, I stepped on my hem. And did this little hoppy-dance trying to get it fr
om underfoot. But then it was too late to fix anything so I used this little bouncy step to remove myself from the stage. Then found I ne
eded to keep in charecter to get the wooden crate offstage. So I bounce-walked over, hauled up the crate, made my way toward the newly hung curtains that hid backstage - and banged into the only pole there. Rather hard. Hard enough to bounce me back.
Smoothly done.
We got through the "One More Angel" dance, wobbling in the middle but finishing strong. I rushed offstage for my ten second costume change which includes shedding one layer of clothing to reveal the next, taking my hair out of two braids to hang straight down and adding a headpiece.
I got my hair down, managed to get my shirt unbuttoned and off, put on the head piece, took two steps onto a dark stage - and looked down to realize under my black and gold sultry outfit, I'm still wearing my bright yellow broomstick skirt from the one angel scene.
I rushed back offstage, glad the lights hadn't come on yet, and pushed it off. I told Monica about it today, saying I didn't know what I would have done if they had been on, except worked on removing it during the dance. She thought that would have been great and said if I had done a strip-tease dance and she heard about it she
would have died laughing.
I probably just would have died... then laughed. As it was, I only started off on the wrong foot during the dance which threw me off for the next part but I again got through it, increasingly not happy this was the night my family had come to watch.
As it was, I came much closer to it than I cared to admit. During intermission I have to change underthings, costumes, shoes, put on Egy
ptian eye make up, a wig cap and a wig in fifteen minutes. It's no easy feat. My asthma kicked in on the angel dance and by intermission I was seriously wondering if I'd end up blacking out on the floor.
I could not find my wig cap. I had checked it at the beginning of the show, deciding to put it where I could get to it - but I could not remember where that was. It was hard getting the wig on without it. Then Jen grabbed me as I walked by.
"Lindsey! Can you fit in this?"
She held out her costume that ha
d been huge on her the first day, sent in for alterations - and now wouldn't zip up even half of her back.
"I don't - I can try..."
There wasn't time to run behind the screen they have set up and with Trey on one side and Chance on the other - it was an awkward change. But the dress zipped after a bit of effort. Then they tried to pull the halter top around my neck... it only went if I held my shoulders way back and they safety-pinned a very choking hold. When I dropped my arm, there was a good inch of material cutting into my skin.
There was not a thing to be done about it and that was the costume I had for the entire second act. During the first dance, I grabbed Joseph's leg and felt a pop and a scrape against the back of my neck.
There went the safety pen. Which meant my entire top was loose... I backed into my place, bringing my hands to catch it while trying to look like I was preening and showing off.
Thankfully the song was almost over. We had to safety pin it again twice and then it was holding my breath and going back on.
I was not a happy camper even before the show had gotten ten minutes in and I was worried it would show on my face. The audiance laughed a lot - but when they weren't laughing they looked completely bored - maybe it was my outlook.
Mom said it was great and the only glitch she noticed was me grabbing my top.
Pop said today he really liked it - and you couldn't usually pay him to see musicals.
Lauren said it was cute.
So I guess it was better than I thought.

Today - went a lot better for me. Grandma worked magic on my stolen costume and made it where it fits quite nicely, doesn't choke and doesn't come off.
The only big mishap was in Angel in Heaven. This time we got through the middle strong and finished... in this weird, wobbling - wrong hand, half spin, give up the kick up pose and ended up in an extremely close, awkward hugging position that didn't seem terribly family friendly and was entirely by accident.
And that I had to go to the bathroom before the show started and you can't access them from backstage. So that was fun. Luckily just before intermission I have to go outside the theater, walk around the building in this pink, shiny number and run down the isle from the back. Which is by the bathrooms. Apparently I wasn't the only one because after the show, I heard one of the brothers randomly burst into a rendition of "Oh no! Not he! How you can accuse him is a mystery!" Instead he sang. "Oh no! Must pee! How I've gone on this long is a mystery!"
Apparently this cast isn't known for their modesty.
On a completely different note, I finished "The Captive" today. I'm not sure I like the last sentence but I'll catch it on the editing stage. Takes a bow.
And I'm pretty sure I'm going to be buying that kindle, though to get the one I want with the case I want, it's going to be over half my paycheck.
It's for work, right???
So there you are, folks. An updated blog with more details than you probably care to read.
I'll blame it on lack of sleep.

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