Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7th

It really wasn't fair.
One moment I was thinking about Malcomb. The next I was dreaming about rehearsal and asking Chance who was moving something on set.
The a buzzing invaded the dream and I woke up, hoping it was a random midnight text.
But it was 6:00. I actually hit snooze. Then thought of all the things I needed to do an managed to get myself up. I walked 1.70 miles, feeling as sleepy at the end as I did at the beginning. Then made breakfast and put away the dishes to reload the washer.
Then broke down and had half a cup of coffee to see if it really did wake a person up. Read my Bible - the story of Joseph.
I'm still not sure. But I went to reply to Jess and needed to check on a pervious conversation in the story- ended up reading through quite a bit without finding what I was looking for. So I replied. Then decided to "restart" my morning like I hadn't gotten up yet. I dressed in semi-professional clothing, put on a necklace and make up and got my hair done. Then caught up on my blog. Now I'm going to go downstairs and get those pictures for the front of the cover. Hoping I don't look as sleepy as I feel.
After that, I'll work on CYT stuff while waiting for Sandy to be done with her meeting. Go to mine. Come home and hopefully write until rehearsal. Then get in bed before 11....

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