Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5th, 2010

Despite climbing into bed around 10:15ish last night, I lay awake until I'm guessing 1 or 2. I discovered things about Remarr's past. He makes a pathetically adorable six year old. Just saying. As much as I wished it was morning - when morning did come, it was not greeted with open arms. I texted Val and dressed. Then headed out and called Val who hadn't responded to the text, waking her up at an hour when only Erish peasants and overworked Americans rise.
The sun was not up and my walk was much shorter than usual, lasting only about 30 minutes and going around 1.20 miles. Still, the wheels are being set in motion for a schedule and I'm sure I'll get back to where I rather look forward to the early mornings - once I've gotten over the pain of waking.
I returned home where I made the most horrible berry smoothy I've ever had. It came out tasting like watered down, half-melted berry ice cream. I didn't finish it. Then Grandpa came in sniffing in the kitchen so I made biscuits and he made omelets - which I cannot make to save my life. I told him we made a good team and he responded, "Like salt and pepper."
We ate, I visited the garden. We're coaxing the plants to stay alive and getting ready to plant the fall garden. Who can believe it's almost fall?
Then I returned inside to unpack my things from the trip and clean the rest of the room. It looks pretty good. It's got a box of book signing stuff on the floor, two piles of laundry waiting to go in the wash when the first pile is done and my rehearsal bag sitting by the door, full of dances to be learned, lyrics to be memorized and lion king songs to be mastered before I teach them to the kiddos.
I'm trying again to come up for the best game plan for writing. I'm using camp Nano to write short stories of Eirlerre to put on the website. I'm on the final read through for "Across the Distance" and "Swing" is waiting to be tweaked. I'm on the last chapter for "The Captive" and it's driving me crazy that it's taking weeks to finish it up. Then there's the Swing play script and all the things to publicize "The Calling" that I haven't done yet.
So there you are, Reader. I'm back on track and lagging way behind.

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