Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday, July 11th, 2011

This morning, I woke up a day older.
I'd set out my clothing and my rehearsal bag so I thought I was all ready. But Sarah stayed over last night and slept on the trundle. I grabbed my clothing and changed in the bathroom, then discovered I had to make more trips in the bedroom than I planned. My Bible was perched in my window sill, snuggled up among my other books, all of which have a knack for jumping out together right where my sister's head would be. I decided to just find Grandma's Bible in the back office. So I snuck through the dark house only to find Tyler sleeping between the doorway and the blackened bookshelf.
So I decided to walk first, then see if I could locate a Bible. I called Val who didn't answer and I took God's message and went back up to grab my computer. And read my Bible online. Then looked for something to magically appear in the fridge. I ate toast and honey on my walk and this time Val did answer. I got back, hunted down the GPS, snuck back in my room for my purse, went out, went BACK in for my purse that I had set down while searching for the CYT music CD I realized I might need to teach the vocal part.
Then went down to Ryan's car, plugged in the GPS and - it worked to pick up a satilite. I began to drive. I know the first part. Ryan's battery charger doesn't work well and every two seconds the satalite (sp???) lost power and went to battery. Then informed me the battery was low. Then continued it's search for the powers in the sky that would ensure I safely arrive at 7:15 prompt at a house 1.5 miles from my own.
And searched. I turned on the road I thought looked right.
Then looked at the roads beyond... this didn't look quite right.
And that didn't look right at all.
And the satalight still searched.
So I turned the car around, went back down the main road and called Grandma. Who didn't answer. So I called Sandy. Who did.
And directed me back toward the road I had turned on.
And then... the satalite worked...
So I got there at 7:17 which wasn't too bad since we planned on leaving at 7:20.
I spent the first part of camp blowing up balloons, listening to music from Enchanted and Wicked and a host of other songs Pandora threw out there. Then hung up big signs on the fence outside, somehow not even seeing the big dead deer that the vultures were eating on the side of the road when we left.
Then I played with balloons and beach balls, kicking them back to random kids.
There was a whole collaboration of them. Sha.- who's eight though she looks about four. She came from the Ukraine a year ago, not speaking a word of English - though she speaks it quite well now as she informs you she does not like her locker and wants the one two lockers down that looks just like it (but is filled with books).
Sil. who gave us a rather operatic reendition of "Somewhere over the Rainbow," and informed us she wanted to be Scar and a host over others whose names and auditions all ran together as we tried frantically to write notes on people and keep up with who was trying out for which five characters.
The coreography was awesome and the kids caught on well. The "Green Pink Flamingos" named their counselors, "Henry" (after Mr. Curly) was vetoed by John Mark himself. I'm not sure which Henry has the honor of being his namesake. The other councilors (for this week) are Tink, Big Red and Um.... something that sounds like Baboni or something that's apparently Swahili for "hunter" - or in our case "huntress" since Beth is a girl.
I scarfed down a delli sandwich before and while helping Sandi decide who to get for callbacks.
Then it was a mad scramble to tell a child's potential from one or two phrases of song and reading of a part when some of them couldn't read very well so inflection and character were lost in the process.
For some reason today the only story character that continually popped into my mind was little Clayton, whom I decided would decidedly love this camp. Funny him, for he would love any event where kids were wanted and there were snacks to be had but there you go. Kent - the real guy in drama - showed up a few times too but only in very passing thoughts. So Clayton was my imaginary buddy for the day.
Funny how they do that.
And back to the real children...
Only one little girl was terribly upset at not getting a part and broke my hope that we wouldn't see any teary eyed faces. The camp for Lion King along has about 30 kids and 13 speaking roles. I told her she was going to get a special solo and I'm really not sure if it helped her or not but her mother seemed a bit relieved.
Then everyone was gone except the kids who were staying for "Into the Woods Jr" workshop that some of the councilors were teaching after this. I waited for Sandy and talked with some of the other kids/workers - six of whom belonged to one family. They wanted to see my book so I'm going to bring up a few copies tomorrow.
We left about four to go back to Sandy's. I drove home to discover Pop had got a few things from the store including spinage and tomato. So I made a salad, tried to clean myself up after sweating all the way home in Ryan's car, then searched for the keys - and searched and searched. And found them in the ignition... which does not bode well for the beginning of camp week.
But I got to rehearsal and pulled out my solo parts to plug kids into who gets what, to discover I forgot to check the paper in the printer - except to see that it was there. And it was photo paper. So not only a waste of money and paper - pencils don't like writing on photo paper.
I put on my potterpherette costume, then talked to Rachel about plays, music and my book. She also wants a copy. We got our wife coustumes too. THey're black with headcovering and veils that make you feel like you're trying to breathe in a plastic bag in a closet.
But it was great fun going on stage and kicking like ninjas which is what everyone said we looked like. So we went through another rehearsal. Some was good. Some was rough. There were crazy costume changes, missing headbands and walking out the backstage door and around the building to the front of the theater, sporting a black Egyptian outfit with material to my knees and a sharp V neckline that plunges so low, it's impossible to find something to wear underneath that won't show, toting a shiny, bright pink go-go costume.
Quite the clash of history.
Joseph still hasn't shown up.
I'm beginning to secretly suspect they killed him off and stuck his body somewhere... ;)
Seriously though... it's not cool to have a director go MIA.
We sat through notes and I rushed home to eat pizza and try to blog before I forgot the rest of today's details.
I'm sooo sleepy. And I still have to cast those solo lines.
Then it starts over at 6:00 tomorrow morning...

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