Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5th, 2010 (night)

Today I managed to write Erish vows - deciding they're decidedly more conservative in Eirlerre than in America. I wrote about 350 words for "The Captive" then spent the rest of the day formatting "Across the Distance" to send off for a proof copy. Despite setbacks, I nearly had it done before I had to leave for rehearsal. I danced alone at the beginning until I felt confidant in the song - then discovered I either learned it wrong or simply performed it wrong. We decided to push the show back a week so we have time to polish (and hopefully have dance rehearsals.) Our director was in a car accident. He wrote that they were waiting on the police and then he'd be there - but he never showed up or contacted us again. I'm a little freaked out by that, seeing how a "fine" car accident screwed up my brother's life.
Which means opening night will be the week I'm doing CYT. Sandy wants to meet tomorrow so I worked a bit on the break to find the solo places in the songs. I listened to the songs today but I don't know them. Everyone is stressed, including me but I'm working on just being the little engine that could and chugging along.
Who can publish three books at once, produce a play, perform a play, teach a musical and get ready for another set of auditions all at the same time?
Why, I can, of course!
With all that said. I need to go to bed. It's five minutes till 10:30 and... I'm seriously thinking about working down to getting up at 5:00 every morning. Fifteen hours in the day just aren't enough. Sigh.


  1. Oh, Lindsey! How will you ever do it? I need to get with you about the specifics of next week -- is it going to make it more difficult for Jami to be there? If you are juggling all this stuff? We need to talk! Maybe I can call you on Thursday ... I have photography class tomorrow. Love you, girl! :)

  2. Hey Laura! Yeah, calling would be great. I have a meeting at 2:00 that will last an hour or so but other than that I should be free. Don't worry about my Jami though! She's the only thing that might keep me sane, lol. Most of what I'm stressed over is stuff that needs to be finished by this week so things should be better by then.

  3. Ack! I just sent you an email before seeing this ... and now I feel terrible! Praying your sanity does not hinge on Jami being there ... we talked about it, and not only because of the craziness of the schedule, but because of the scarcity of money, we're going to have to pass this time around. :( You ARE going to be doing similar workshops later, aren't you? It's not a one time deal, is it? Let me know, okay?
