Friday, July 8, 2011

July 8th

"A person who has not done one half his day's work by ten o'clock, runs a chance of leaving the other half undone."

If we had not pushed the performances back a week, I would be doing my dang best to look lively on stage right now.
But we did. So I'm sitting on my bed, waiting for supper to be done and reveling in a evening of writing with Val and Jess if she gets on and feels like it.
I didn't set my alarm this morning. I woke several times during the night, dreaming about rehearsal, Shelby and a host of other things I can't remember what.
I woke at 8:00 and read my Bible. Then turned out the light and went back to sleep until - 10:30ish... 9:30... something like that. I cleaned the bathroom, visited our dying garden and made a pizza.
Then I created my cover for my book which - while not looking quite like I wanted, I was pleased with. I've submitted all the files for review and I'll be ordering a proof as soon as the company says I can.
Whoo-hoo for something done.
Then I wrote a charming 500 word scene about Darshon teasing Eslaveth. But then I switched to Tehveor and - he's not saying much, the little stinker.
So I read some of my book. Then tried to write again. Then fell asleep for two hours.
Then read more of my book.
And now I'm still kind of woozy.

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